Coaching and Training

Coaching:  Coaching helps leaders and teams in achieving bottom line results in a time efficient manner. Coaching is based on actual on the job interaction and combines elements of 101 training, mentorship, and hands on the job support.

Training: We have training courses or seminars in risk, reliability and asset management related topics. We customize the training material to  adapt it to your business environment, specific needs, roles and responsibilities, and time constraints of the participants.

Our most popular training modules are:


  • Reliability and Equipment Strategy Development: Reliability Fundamentals, Criticality/Consequence Analysis, Risk, FMECA, RCM, and application of CM, PdM Technology
  • Failure Analysis: Failure Investigation Process, FTA, Logic Tree, FMEA, 5 Whys, Cause and Effect
  • Weibull Analysis
  • Integrity Strategy Development: Includes: The Integrity Management System, Risk, API Standards and Risk Based Inspection, AB-505, API RP 580
  • RAM Simulation
  • REM™: We teach our own REM™ methodology, for Reliability and Efficiency Management, providing certification. It is the most comprehensive training program available.

Project Risk Management Training:

  • Project Risk Management Fundamentals: Creates a standard baseline for effective risk management in a project team.
  • Project Schedule Risk Analysis: Recommended for project leaders, project controls team (project schedulers) and risk leads.
  • Advanced Project Risk Management:Designed for project risk managers and risk analyst roles.
  • Risk based Contingency: Project leaders, project controls and risk leads.

Interested? please contact us.